A downloadable game

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A fairly simple platformer game with a grappling hook and climbing mechanics.
The game has a somewhat skippable tutorial and allows you to unlock and lock all levels from the get-go.
Levels will not end until you decide to leave them. If the next level is locked reaching the end will unlock the next level, but it will not bring you to the main menu.
Every level has an easter egg.
The grapple and light range is different in most levels. It is recommended to experiment with how far you can reach.
Only .wav files are compatible with the music player in the game. The music player currently can only play 1 song. With the way the custom music player is built, I have not been able to fix this without causing much worse issues.
The reset keys button does not have a visual effect but it does work.


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Rocks.zip 588 MB


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It's a good demo, as it is I'd give it a 7/10. 
